Spændende nyt dansk studie om detektion af SGA

AOGS har lige publiceret et nyt dansk studie omkring detektionen af SGA. Man fandt en sensitivitet på 62% med falsk positiv rate på 5.6%. Sensitiviteten var bedst hos de meget for små og dårligst efter terminen. Nedenunder kan I læse resultatafsnittet fra abstract. Artiklen i sin fulde længde kan læses snart i AOGS.

At birth, the prevalence of SGA was 3.3%. The overall sensitivity of the Danish screening program was 62% at a false‐positive rate of 5.6%. Within the entire cohort, 63% had an EFWus as compared to 79% of the SGA‐cases. The sensitivity was 79% for those born before 37 weeks’ gestation but only 40% for those born after 40 weeks’ gestation. The sensitivity was also associated to birthweight deviation; 73% among extreme SGA cases (birthweight deviation ≤ ‐33%) and 55% among mild SGA (birthweight deviation between ‐22% and 27%). False diagnosis of SGA was associated with an increased rate of induction of labor (ORadj = 2.51, 95% CI; 1.70 to 3.71) and cesarean section (ORadj = 1.44, 95% CI; 0.96 to 2.18).

The performance of the Danish national screening program for SGA based on selective EFWus on clinical indication have improved considerably over the last 20 years. Limitations of the program are the large proportion of women referred to ultrasound scan and the low performance post‐term.